This post brought to you by summer of Groupon. All opinions are 100% mine.
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Travel Jane Review
My 4th of July was semi-low essential so I really wanted to do something fun this weekend. because I didn’t have anything planned I chose to hit up Groupon and see if there was anything available within driving distance.
It’s a holiday weekend so I wasn’t expecting to find anything for Saturday, but I did! There was a deal for The Skylark hotel in palm Springs. This particular Groupon automatically reserved the night so all I had to do was show up.
Next thing ya know I’m on the open road…
The big ol’ fans are a sign you’re practically there.
My timing was perfection because we got to the hotel just as a pool party was about to start. There was a DJ and the hotel has a bar in the back.
After unwinding for a bit I grabbed some Slurpees from 7-11 and headed to my friend’s place to hand out.
Es war eine gute Nacht
It is very hot in palm Springs (under-statement of the year) so I’m pleased that today was a rest day from running. We did start the day with my favorite Sunday morning tradition – a walk to find iced coffee.
I passed a lot of cafes on the walk, but was on a mission to get good iced coffee and heard Espresso Cielo sells cold brewed. The place is very cute too!
Bacon Frittata
It was a terrific morning outing, but I’m bummed I couldn’t take a nap on the sidewalk…
I think palm Springs is sooooo pretty. I can’t get over the mountains and palm trees. I think it’s partially because where I live there is always a marine layer that hides the mountains – it’s so clear here.
And when we got back The Skylark had Continental breakfast ready to go.
Then, it was time to relax….
Check out Groupon for a deal near you.
Question: What cities are “road-trip-able” from where you live?
Have you ever been to palm Springs?
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